Amazon Ads: Different Advertising Solutions for Your Amazon Business

hand holding phone that has an ecommerce advertisement on it, thumb about to scroll

Amazon is a top marketplace for online sellers due to its extensive seller tools and resources, especially its effective and reliable advertising solutions. To enhance your online advertising campaign, consider these essential insights into Amazon Ads and how they can benefit your business.  What are Amazon Ads? Amazon Ads, also known as Amazon Advertising, is […]

Intellectual Property for Amazon Sellers: The Basics

hand signing legal document with calligraphy pen

Many Amazon sellers are never able to experience the satisfaction of running a seamlessly operating business. While things within their control may run smoothly, the Amazon marketplace demands flexibility, agility, and persistent innovation from all its sellers–creating a constant need for evolution that can be tumultuous.  Amazon’s policies continually change, and as an Amazon seller, […]

How to Negotiate with Amazon FBA Wholesale Suppliers to Ensure Best Prices 

How to Negotiate with Amazon FBA Wholesale Suppliers title with Seller Assistant App logo

As an Amazon wholesaler, selecting the correct suppliers is key to your success. If you’re new to the Amazon FBA wholesale realm, negotiating with suppliers may seem daunting, but it’s necessary to the success of your business. That’s why we’ve created this guide to assist in mastering negotiation techniques and offer handy tips for haggling […]

Why Amazon Wholesalers Should Use a Buy Box Tracker

computer on person's lap, credit card in hands as if to shop online

When you sell on Amazon, you face a lot of competition, especially if you are a wholesaler or reseller. Tons of sellers are competing to dominate the same listing as you for customers, vying to win the Buy Box or Featured Offer. You know, the square with the big “Add to Cart” and “Buy Now” […]

Maximizing Amazon Selling Success with Profit Analytics 

Maximizing Amazon Selling Success with Profit Analytics - EVA

Successful Amazon sellers are aware of the fierce competition required to dominate in the marketplace. Excelling in front of a global audience while maximizing your Return on Investment (ROI) can be a formidable challenge if you’re not equipped to harness the data-drive potential of profit analytics for Amazon Sellers!  In this post, we will delve […]

Managing Amazon Shipping Costs: 6 Strategies to Save

piles of Amazon cardboard boxes piled up in stacks

As an ecommerce seller, managing Amazon shipping costs is a critical component of a thriving business. These expenses can easily chip away at your hard-earned profits and hurt your bottom line if neglected.  Whether you’re a seasoned seller looking to optimize your operations or a newcomer aiming to start off on the right foot, this […]

Social Media and Ecommerce: From Likes to Sales

hand holding an iPhone with apps in front of a blurred background of a computer

When ecommerce shopping was initially introduced to consumers, some customers were reluctant to purchase items online. A key factor contributing to this hesitancy was their inability to touch and feel the items sold on ecommerce sites.  In contrast to brick-and-mortar stores and conventional shopping outlets, where consumers can physically examine the products on display, ecommerce […]

Product Testing Campaigns: The Revolutionary Ranking Strategy For Amazon Sellers

Product Testing Campaigns: The Revolutionary Ranking Strategy for Amazon Sellers above intelliRANK logo on red and black background beside a purple rocket ship

Even the most creative and innovative products have the potential to fail in oversaturated marketplaces, like Amazon. Successful Amazon sellers understand that you can have the best product in a niche with an unbeatable offer and still lose out on sales to competitors if it doesn’t have enough visibility. A perfect Amazon product listing that […]

Why 53% of your Cart Abandonments Happen And How To Solve It

"Why 53% of your card abandonments happen and how to solve it" on top of a light purple background beside a blurred shopping chat

In today’s rapidly evolving digital marketplace, the importance of instant responses in ecommerce cannot be overstated to avoid cart abandonment and secure a sale. This perspective is reinforced by research from Kate Leggett of Forrester, who emphasizes that modern customers expect immediate, accurate, and complete answers to their inquiries.  Such expectations are not just preferences […]